Nature Positive Regional Planning Standard
Naomi Maxwell was invited to be a member of the Minister for the Environment and Water’s Working Group for the Standard for Regional Planning.
The Working Group was established to consider drafts of the standards and make recommendations concerning their scientific viability, practical applicability, and potential for delivering nature positive outcomes, in line with the principles set out in the Nature Positive Plan.
Leveraging Naomi’s knowledge and experience in strategic landscape scale approaches under the EPBC Act, experience developing outcomes focused environmental regulation, and experience implementing strategic assessments and regional planning programs, she provided advice on the proposed policy positions underpinning the National Standard for Regional Planning and National Standard for Matters of National Environmental Significance.
The National Standard for Regional Planning has been updated by the Australian Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and has been released for public consultation as part of the broader reforms to Australia’s national environment laws.
Photo credit: Coral_Brunner, 2019